
Invited Talks

“Artisanal Heart: The Vernacular Engineers of Early Modern Korea,” Korean Humanities Speaker Series, the Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University, 2023

“Reading Artisanal Knowledge from 16th century Korea,” Cornell Classical Chinese Colloquium, the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, Cornell University, 2022

“Early Modern Science as Seen Through Late Chosŏn Military Workshops: Focusing on Niter Knowledge” (조선후기 군영공방으로 보는 근세 과학사: 염초 지식을 중심으로) (in Korean), Sungkyunkwan Seminars in Historical Studies, Sungkyunkwan University, 2022

“The Artisanal Heart: Craft and Experimentalism in Early Modern Korea,” Minnesota Colloquium for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Medicine, University of Minnesota, 2022

“Artisan Squad: The Experimental Workshop in Early Modern Korea,” Aftermath of the East Asian War of 1592–1598 Webinar Series, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2022

“Prototyping Niter: Experimentalism and Technological Practice in the Late Chosŏn Military Workshops” (조선후기 군영공방에서의 실험과 기술적 실천) (in Korean), Science in Historical Perspective, Seoul National University, 2021

“The East Asian War of 1592–1598: A Technological History,” Korean History Through Film (Korean History 115), Harvard University, 2021

“Reverse-Engineering the Gun: The Portuguese Espingarda in Chosŏn Korea,” American Society of Arms Collecting, Prescott, 2021

“Boiling Saltpeter: Espionage, Experiment, and Vernacular Science” (염초 달이기: 염탐, 시험 그리고 조선후기의 버나큘러 과학) (in Korean), Chosŏn History of Science Seminar Series, Seoul National University, 2021

“Technologies in Korean History: A Broad Sweep,” training session for interns at the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015

For presentations at conferences and workshops, and campus talks, please see my CV.